Town Hall » Citizens' Office » General
Note: Since the beginning of 2023, the new Citizen Service Portal of the Rimpar market.
As part of the Citizen Service Portal you have the option of entering applications to the Rimpar market and forwarding them directly to the responsible office for further processing.
You can also use the Citizen Service Portal also a set up a citizen accountYou can do this either with your new ID card or with a user name and password.
Once the citizen account has been set up, the personal data required for use is conveniently transferred from your citizen account.
This will save you time and make it easier for us to process your application.
We will continue to expand the Citizen Service Portal We are gradually expanding our range of services in order to be able to offer a citizen-friendly 24/7 service as part of digitization.
According to § 50 BMG (Federal Registration Act), the registration authority may provide information from the register in special cases.
It may transmit data on eligible voters of a certain age group to party and voter groups and other supporters of election proposals in connection with elections and votes at state and municipal level in the six months prior to the election or vote. The parties and voter groups may only use this data for election campaigning and must undertake to delete or destroy the data no later than one month after the election. (1)
Upon request, it may provide information to elected representatives, the press or radio about citizens' anniversaries. (2)
The surname, first name and address of all residents over the age of 18 may also be issued to address book publishers on request for the purpose of compiling an address book, exclusively in book form. (3)
In addition, the registration authority may provide information to the religious organization under public law to which my spouse or my minor child belongs, even if I do not belong to this religious organization. (4)
According to Section 58 of the Soldiers Act, men and women who are German citizens can undertake voluntary military service. For the purpose of sending information material, the registration authorities transmit the data of residents who will come of age in the following year to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management by March 31 each year. (5)
Every citizen has the right to object to the possibilities listed above for the disclosure of their data and to submit an application for the registration of transmission blocks. The following transmission blocks are possible:
The objection in the form of an application for a transmission block must be submitted in writing to the citizens' office of the market town of Rimpar, Schloßberg 1, 97222 Rimpar. No justification is required to apply for a transfer block. The blocks are entered in the population register until revoked.
Applications can be obtained from the Citizens' Office room no. 208 or at or apply directly via the Bürgeserviceportal.
Your citizens' office
Notarization of Signatures
Anyone who needs a signature to be notarized,
must come to the community in person,
be able to identify themselves with a federal identity card or passport and execute the signature in the presence of the certifying official.
Notarization of Copies
Anyone who requires a certified copy,
must submit the original.
Please do not make a copy of the original yourself.
They may not be notarized:
A fee of EUR 5.00 is charged for each notarization.
You can also obtain the following certificates from the Residents' Registration Office:
- Registration certificate
- Confirmation of personal data on the application for a driving license
A fee of EUR 5.00 is generally payable for confirmations.
For further information please contact Frau Weidner, Frau Väth oder Herr Schäflein
and by e-mail at
A certificate of good conduct can be requested from the registration office where the applicant is registered for any person who has reached the age of 14. In the case of minors or legally incompetent persons, the application is made by the legal representative.
The application can be made in person at the registration office. In this case, the person making the application must be able to prove their identity and, if they are acting as a legal representative, provide proof of their power of representation.
You cannot be represented when submitting an application.
There are different types of certificates of good conduct
Certificate of good conduct for own purposes (private certificate of good conduct)
This certificate of good conduct will only be sent to the person submitting the application (in the case of minors, to their legal representative).
Certificate of good conduct for submission to a German authority (certificate of good conduct)
This certificate of good conduct is sent directly to the authority. For this purpose, the exact address of the receiving authority and the intended use are required when submitting the application.
Extended certificates of good conduct
Since May 1, 2010, in addition to the previous simple certificate of good conduct, an extended certificate of good conduct has been available on request for private individuals or for submission to authorities in accordance with §30a BZRG.
The extended certificate of good conduct is required if the applicant looks after, supervises, educates or trains minors in a professional or voluntary capacity or takes up an activity that is similarly suitable for coming into contact with minors. Applicants for a driving license for passenger transport (Class D driving license and passenger transport permits) also require this extended certificate of good conduct.
As with the simple certificate of good conduct, the application must be submitted to the registration office. In addition, a written request to submit the extended certificate of good conduct required. Not, however, for certificates of good conduct for the issue of a driving license with passenger transport.
The application is forwarded electronically by us to the Federal Office of Justice in Bonn for processing, issued there and sent to the recipient within 8 to 10 days.
The fee for issuing a certificate of good conduct is 13.00 euros and must be paid when applying at the registration office.
It has recently become possible to apply for certificates of good conduct online directly from the Federal Office of Justice. This applies to certificates of good conduct for private purposes, certificates of good conduct for submission to a public authority and extended certificates of good conduct.
The following requirements must be met:
Further information can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Justice
For further information please contact Frau Weidner, Frau Väth oder Herr Schäflein and by e-mail at
If you have found or lost something in Rimpar, please contact our lost and found office.
Hier können Sie Ihren Verlust online melden und nachforschen, ob Ihr verlorener Gegenstand gefunden wurde: Fundbüro online
If you have found an item in the municipal area of Rimpar, you are obliged to report it to the lost and found office of the municipality or hand in the item (room no. 208).
If the owner has not contacted the lost property office within a six-month retention period, the finder has acquired ownership of the lost property and then has the opportunity to take possession of the item against signature. The finder will be notified in writing after the period has expired.
If the owner of the lost property can be traced, the lost property will be returned to the owner. The finder is entitled to a finder's fee of 5 percent for found items with a value of up to 500 euros and 3 percent for found items with a value of more than 500 euros.
For further information please contact Frau Weidner, Frau Väth oder Herr Schäflein and by e-mail at
The Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology has granted the market town of Rimpar, in agreement with the District of Würzburg transferred the tasks of the district administrative authority - registration authority - for changes to vehicle owner details and decommissioning. The responsibility of the district administrative authority remains unaffected by this, so that citizens can still carry out these official acts at the district office.
Since 01.07.2005, the following official procedures can be carried out at the Citizens' Office/Registration Office during opening hours.
For changes such as changes of owner, name changes or re-registrations from other districts, the registration office at the Würzburg District Office is still exclusively responsible.
Changes to vehicle owner details for vehicles already registered in the district of Würzburg:
The vehicle must already be registered in the district of Würzburg.
The vehicle owner registered in the vehicle documents moves within a municipality or within the district.
Changes to "Street", "House number" and "Place of residence" must be updated in the vehicle registration document.
Citizens of the district can do this either at the registration authority in the Würzburg district office or at the Ochsenfurt or Rimpar office.
Required are:
- Vehicle registration certificate or the new registration certificate part I
- valid federal identity card (with current address)
- 10,80 € Change of holder address
You can have both vehicles registered in the district of Würzburg and external vehicles decommissioned by us.
To decommission a vehicle, you need the vehicle registration certificate or the new registration certificate Part I and both license plates.
Costs of decommissioning:
for vehicles registered in the district and for external vehicles 16.50 euros
Costs see Decommissioning without certificate of destruction plus 5.10 euros for confirmation of the certificate of destruction
Reservation of the license plate:
If you only deregister the vehicle for a short time and later re-register it, you can reserve the license plate of the decommissioned vehicle for 1 year as a permanent license plate.
If you reserve the license plate for another car, the reservation is treated as a desired license plate. The license plate is reserved for 3 months.
For further information please contact Frau Väth, Frau Weidner oder Herr Schäflein and by e-mail at
In order to calculate your individual wage tax and pay it to the tax office, your employer needs certain information from you, such as tax class, number of child allowances and church tax characteristics. Previously, these wage tax details were printed on a paper wage tax card. The income tax card with the necessary information was sent to you by the municipal registration office.
The income tax procedure has changed fundamentally since 01.01.2011.
The paper wage tax card is being replaced by the electronic wage tax card. This means that your personal income tax details will be stored in a tax authority database and made available to employers electronically.
In the new procedure only the tax office is responsible for your wage tax deduction details. Therefore, please contact your local tax office directly if you wish to take child allowances into account, change tax class, if the spouses are separated or enter tax-free amounts.
The entry of registration data such as marriage, birth of a child or entry into or exit from the church into the central database of the tax authorities is still carried out by the registration authorities. Please come to the municipal administration office, room no. 208, and bring the relevant documents (marriage certificate, birth certificate, certificate from the registry office confirming that you have entered or left the church), unless the registration office automatically receives a notification from the certifying registry office.
To avoid unnecessary waiting times when registering, de-registering or re-registering, we ask you to arrange your visit to the town hall and the documents you need to bring with you in advance by calling 09365/8067-220.
The new Federal Registration Act - what I should know as a citizen Status 01.11.2016
The new Federal Registration Act has been in force since November 1, 2015. This means that new regulations have come into force, which have since been improved with amendments to the Federal Registration Act as of 01.11.2016. Here are important regulations of the Federal Registration Act that citizens must observe, e.g. when moving house:
The obligation to register and deregister with the registration office remains the same as in Germany. Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office within two weeks of moving in.
It is only necessary to deregister an apartment with the registration office if you do not move into a new apartment in Germany after moving out of an apartment. This is the case, for example, if you leave Germany, i.e. if you move abroad or give up a secondary residence. Deregistration is possible at the earliest one week before moving out and must be submitted to the registration office within two weeks of moving out.
In future, anyone moving abroad can leave their address abroad with the registration office when deregistering. The foreign address will be stored in the register of residents.
A secondary residence can be deregistered at the registration office of the main residence or the registration office of the secondary residence that is to be given up.
Für folgende Lebenslagen sieht das Bundesmeldegesetz künftig zusätzlich zu den bereits geltenden Ausnahmen weitere Ausnahmen von der Meldepflicht vor:
Another new feature is that the "pre-filled registration form", which was previously not used by all registration authorities, must be introduced by all federal states by 2018. The pre-filled registration form is a procedure for the electronic request of registration data by the new registration authority from the previous registration authority during the registration process. This means that in the event of a registration, the registration data is made available to the registration authority at the new place of residence in an automated process, making it unnecessary to enter the data again. This is a simplification for citizens and for the administration. The registration data that is already stored in the registration authority at the previous place of residence is transmitted electronically to the current competent registration authority.
Translated with (free version)
In addition, the landlord or homeowner has a duty to cooperate in the registration process in order to prevent bogus registrations. The legislator abolished the involvement of the landlord or homeowner when deregistering abroad or deregistering a secondary residence with the first amendment to the Federal Registration Act on 01.11.2016. The landlord or landlady must confirm the tenant's move-in in writing. The
Translated with (free version) certificate of residence must always be presented when registering at the registration office. The content of the certificate is stipulated by law.
Information from the population register to private individuals for the purposes of advertising and/or address trading is only permitted if the citizen has previously consented to the transfer of their registration data for these purposes. This consent must be expressly declared to private parties (e.g. mail order companies). It is also possible to submit a declaration to the registration authority that one's own data may be disclosed to private parties for the purpose of advertising and/or address trading. This consent remains valid until it is revoked and does not have to be given again after a move. If no consent has been given, the registration authority may not disclose the registration data for the purpose of advertising and/or address trading.
In addition, data that has been collected for the purpose of commercial address research using information from the population register may not be reused by the data recipient (ban on data pooling). The improper use of earmarked population register information or the reuse of the data can be punished with a fine.
Furthermore, the commercial purpose must be stated in future as part of a simple registration register information request for commercial purposes. The data obtained as part of the information may then only be used for these purposes.
A strict purpose limitation also exists for so-called extended information from the population register, for group information and for data that is not yet available. Information block have been obtained because a risk to the data subject can be ruled out. Once the purpose pursued in each case has been fulfilled, the data recipient must delete the data.
For persons who live in institutions for protection against domestic violence, in institutions for the treatment of addiction, in hospitals, nursing homes or other institutions for the care of people in need of care or disabled people or for residential care, a so-called conditional blocking note is entered in the population register if the registration authority is aware that one of the aforementioned institutions is located at the address in question. In future, the registration authority must hear the person concerned before providing information to private individuals in these cases and may then not provide any information if the information would impair the interests of the person concerned that are worthy of protection.
As a result of the improvements to the protection of personal data when providing information from the population register to private individuals, the option of objecting to the provision of automated population register information to private individuals, which was previously provided for in the registration law, has been removed.
Federal identity card, passport, children's passport and eID card
Federal identity card:
An application for a federal identity card can only be made in Rimpar by a person who has their main place of residence here.
The application must be made in person.
Bring with you when applying:
- Presentation of a birth or marriage certificate
- current biometric passport photo, which should not be older than 6 months and in exceptional cases may be a maximum of 1 year old
- the old federal identity card
Worth knowing:
- the issuing time is approx. 2 weeks/in urgent cases a temporary ID card can be issued
– Application status of your ID card online
- the old federal identity card must be handed in when collecting the new document
Since 01.11.2010 there is the new identity card. As with a passport, a biometric photo of the applicant is required for this. Since the 02.08.2021 due to European legal requirements fingerprints are also mandatory for the ID card ins Ausweisdokument aufgenommen . Eine wesentliche Innovation beim neuen Personalausweis ist die Funktion des elektronischen Identitätsnachweises „Internetausweis“ für E-Business und E-Gouvernment. Sie ist gekoppelt an eine PIN-Nummer nutzbar.
- Identity card | up to 24 years | valid for 6 years | 22.80 euros
- Identity card | from 24 years of age | valid for 10 years | 37.00 euros
- temporary identity card | valid for 3 months | 10,00 Euro
The fees must be paid at the time of application.
Please note that the application for a new ID card takes up to 20 minutes.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
You can find more information about the new ID card here.
The old ID cards remain valid after the introduction of the new ID card until the expiration date. If you wish, you can apply for a new ID card before your old one expires if, for example, your photo is no longer up to date.
Passport :
An application for a passport or temporary passport can only be made in Rimpar by a person who has their main place of residence here.
The application must be made in person.
Im Reisepass werden neben persönlichen Daten und dem Foto noch zwei Fingerabdrücke (ab 6 Jahre) des Passinhabers auf einem, in den Pass eingearbeiteten, Chip gespeichert.
Bring with you when applying:
- the birth or marriage certificate
- current biometric passport photo, which should not be older than 6 months and in exceptional cases may be a maximum of 1 year old
- the old passport
- Passport 32 pages | up to 24 years | valid for 6 years | normal delivery time | 37,50 Euro
- Passport 32 pages | up to 24 years | valid for 6 years | express delivery | 69.50 euros
- Passport 32 pages | ab 24 Jahre | 10 Jahre Gültigkeit | normale Lieferzeit | 70,00 Euro
- Passport 32 pages | ab 24 Jahre | 10 Jahre Gültigkeit | Expresslieferung | 102,00 Euro
- Passport 48 pages | up to 24 years | valid for 6 years | normal delivery time | 59,50 Euro
- Passport 48 pages | up to 24 years | valid for 6 years | express delivery | 91.50 euros
- Passport 48 pages | ab 24 Jahre | 10 Jahre Gültigkeit | normale Lieferzeit | 92,00 Euro
- Passport 48 pages | ab 24 Jahre | 10 Jahre Gültigkeit | Expresslieferung | 124,00 Euro
- Passport temporary | 26,00 Euro
The fees must be paid at the time of application.
Please note:
Bei Reisen in die USA: Wegen der häufigen Neuregelungen bzw. Änderungen der Einreisevorschriften für die USA empfiehlt es sich vor einer Reise in die USA sich unmittelbar umfassend bei der Botschaft über die geltenden Regelungen zu informieren. Zudem müssen Sie zwingend eine elektronische Einreiseerlaubnis via Internet unter einholen. Bitte beachten Sie bei der Angabe der Seriennummer: laut Bundesministerium des Innern wird der Buchstabe “O” nicht mehr verwendet. Sondern es handelt sich dann um die Zahl “0”.
Bei allen Ausweisdokumenten ist zu beachten, dass das Dokument bereits vor Ablauf der Gültigkeit ungültig wird, wenn die Person (besonders zu beachten bei Kindern) sich so verändert hat, dass sie dem Foto im Ausweis nicht mehr zugeordnet werden kann.
Worth knowing:
– die Ausstellungszeit beträgt mindestens 4-6 Wochen Bitte bei der Beantragung berücksichtigen: DERZEIT 8-9 WOCHEN!!!
- the issuing time for express delivery is approx. 5 working days if requested before 12 noon.
Nur dann, wenn dieAusstellungszszeit für einen Expresspass nicht ausreicht, darf ein vorläufiger
passport can be issued.
– Application status of your passport online
- the old passport must be brought along when collecting the new document
eID card for citizens of other EU member states
From 01.01.2021, EU citizens and citizens of the European Economic Area will be able to apply for an eID card. With this card, EU citizens can use the online ID functions in the same way as with an ID card. The eID card is designed exclusively for online use and is not an identity document or travel document. Therefore, the card is not issued with a picture, signature or other biometric data.
Applying for an eID card is the same as applying for an ID card. Anyone over the age of 16 can apply for the card.
Each eID card is issued for a validity period of 10 years, regardless of age
Bring with you when applying:
valid national passport or EU ID card
Issuing the eID card costs € 37.00
The fees must be paid at the time of application.
- e.g. application for basic income support
- Application for benefits to secure your livelihood (unemployment benefit II, social benefit)
These applications are no longer issued by the municipalities, but are submitted directly to the Social Welfare Office at the Würzburg District Office.
- Housing benefit
- Equalization of burdens (for own house)
Confirmation of personal data by the registration office on the application is no longer required
- Application for a settlement permit
- Application for a residence permit
The Immigration Office asks you to make an appointment.
Since 01.05.2011, residence permits have only been issued in credit card size. It is then no longer possible to issue or transfer residence permits immediately. It will probably take 6 - 8 weeks until such a title can be produced and delivered by the Bundesdruckerei. The Immigration Office therefore requests that applications for the issue or extension of residence permits from 01.02.2011 be submitted at least 8 weeks in advance.
In addition to the usual personal data, fingerprints will also be stored on these check cards. This will considerably increase the time spent at the immigration counter. In order to avoid long waiting times when applying for residence permits, the Immigration Office asks you to make an appointment in advance by calling 0931 / 8003 - 0.
- Application for exemption from broadcasting fees
- Application for a severely disabled person's pass
Pension applications can be submitted to the pension insurance provider or to the municipal administration after making an appointment.
As of July 1, 2011, general compulsory military service has been suspended, provided there is no case of tension or defense, and transitioned to voluntary military service. Women and men who are German within the meaning of the Basic Law can undertake to perform voluntary military service in accordance with Section 54 of the Conscription Act. To enable the Federal Office of Defense Administration to provide information on voluntary military service, the registration authority transmits the following data of persons with German citizenship who will come of age in the following year to the Federal Office of Defense Administration by March 31 each year:
Surname, first names and current address
Data subjects have the right to object to the transfer of data. The objection is not subject to any conditions and does not need to be justified. It can be lodged with the registration office of the market town of Rimpar, room no. 208, by means of a Antrag auf Übermittlungssperre eingelegt werden.
If no objection has been raised to the data transfer, the registration authorities will pass on the aforementioned data.
Further information on voluntary military service in the Bundeswehr is available at or directly at the local Kreiswehrersatzamt Würzburg, Mergentheimer Straße 184, 97084 Würzburg, Tel. 0931/9707-4206 or 9707-4201 or by e-mail
Markt Rimpar
Schloßberg 1
97222 Rimpar
Phone +49 9365 8067-0
Fax: +49 9365 8067-150
Monday to Friday 08:00 to 12:00
Additionally Wednesday 16:00 to 18:00
By telephone you can reach us also on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
From 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm and on Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
To avoid waiting times, you can also arrange appointments with our staff.
You can find the contact details of our employees here