Kindergarten Kunterbunt with Toddler Groups


Bonhoefferstr. 46
97222 Rimpar

Phone: 09365 8067 - 520
Fax: 09365 8067 - 529

Monday - Thursday07:00 – 16:30 HrsThe daily pedagogical core time from 08:30 - 12:30 must be booked.
During this time, the entrance door to the daycare center remains locked.
Friday07:00 - 15:00 hrs

In addition to public holidays and weekends, the kindergarten is closed on a maximum of 30 days a year.
The exact closing days are announced in the fall of each year for the following calendar year.

2025_Schließtage_KiTa Kunterbunt

The Kunterbunt kindergarten is located in the residential area "Östlich des Schleifwegs".
It was founded in October 1989 for four kindergarten groups.
In September 2004, the 1st Rimpar crèche was opened here.
We currently look after children from the age of 1 until they start school in two crèche and two kindergarten groups.
We are a municipal kindergarten, part of the community of Rimpar and not affiliated with any particular denomination.
Our mission is to care for, educate and support the children entrusted to us.
Each child is accompanied individually in their educational process and in their development into a self-active and cooperative personality. On this path, we give the children space and time, security and support, trust and safety, freedom and boundaries.

Due to the modern world we live in today, we encounter children with very different life experiences in kindergarten. The types of families are different, children grow up in mixed national and mixed denominational families. As a result of their parents working, they experience that the family is no longer the only place where they can grow up. We have therefore set ourselves the goal of providing children with appropriate and targeted support at all stages of their development. For us, upbringing and education as well as responsible and optimal care are fundamental elements in promoting children's development. Our entire pedagogical work is based on the Bavarian education and upbringing plan for children in daycare facilities until they start school.

Our aim is to educate the child to become an independent, value-oriented personality who is able to relate to others and to live in a community.
This includes:

  • Education for independence and personal responsibility, for independent thinking and action
  • Strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence by recognizing one's own self and experiencing boundaries in interaction with others
  • Learning tolerance, mutual respect and non-violent conflict resolution
  • Ability to make contact with others, hold conversations and express needs
  • Experiencing and living values, accepting and adhering to boundaries
  • mindful interaction with nature and the environment, being able to marvel and thus recognize that everything on earth is connected and has a meaning
  • Encouraging creativity and imagination in all areas

For detailed information on the pedagogical orientation of Kita Kunterbunt, please refer to the concept:

Colorful concept

Kunterbunt child protection concept

The daycare team consists of:

  • Daycare center management: Ms. Evkaya
  • Educators
  • Kinderpflegerinnen
  • ggfs. Berufspraktikanten in der pädagogischen Ausbildung
  • Changing school interns and school trainees

Der Kindergarten ist ein kostenpflichtiges Betreuungsangebot des Marktes Rimpar.

Die Höhe der Kosten ist abhängig vom Nutzungsumfang und kann in der jeweils gültigen Gebührensatzung eingesehen werden.

Gebührensatzung Kindertageseinrichtungen

Daycare places are allocated centrally by the market town of Rimpar. All information on registration and the allocation procedure can be found here:

Registration Daycare Centers