Markt Rimpar

Familienstützpunkt Rimpar: Sternstunden in der Natur

Date:         Donnerstag, 19.09.2024 um 14:30 Uhr

Meeting point: Walderlebniszentrum Gramschatzer Wald, Einsiedel 1, 97222 Rimpar

Speaker: Claudia Dörr, curative education nurse and PEKiP group leader

Für Familien mit Kindern im Alter 0-3 Jahren, Geschwisterkinder willkommen!

Out in the fresh air every day! Being brave and trying things out makes your child strong! Babies and children learn about themselves and their environment through a variety of movement experiences. With the help of movement, babies experience a sense of achievement and develop confidence in their own abilities.

Parents receive tips and creative suggestions from PEKIP group leader Claudia Dörr for movement ideas and outdoor fun and games.

Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring a blanket and a few slices of fresh bread. We will make butter together.

Dieses Mal wird es herbstlich! Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

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Anmeldung bis 17.09.2024 über

19.09.24 Sternstunden in der Natur